
Dressed In White

all white outfit

It really fascinates me how everything in our life starts with a thought. A thought that then transforms into a reality that we can perceive with our physical senses. It can be a tough process though. I guess through my work as a stylist, specially on editorial styling, I realized that what makes a great artist is his/ her ability to make that reality identical to the thought. Right now you can think of drawing and apple and you can imagine whatever apple you want, but once you start the actually drawing, suddenly your apple goes somewhere totally different. Even if you take drawing classes and were able to draw a simple apple, you will start to think of more complicated forms of apples. Once again, you are faced with a challenge of seeing your thought on the paper.

Yet what a joy you experience once your thoughts materialize! The moment when you admire your work and feel proud about yourself. And that’s important. Always give credit to yourself and compare yourself to yourself before rather than to others.

This editorial started with a thought of the talented photographer Jessica Okonski. I worked with Jessica before and she contacted me to do this one (so honored. Thank you Jessica). She gathered a talented team of an amazing hair & makeup artist named Sarah and a fantastic new model from Next Models Toronto named Jessica Jansen.

In terms of styling, she wanted something minimal with a touch of masculinity. She also sent me a makeup picture with a coloured eye shadow and a couple of pictures of the studio that we were about to shoot at. And this is how my thoughts started to form!

Dressed in white

I decided to go with clean lines and all-white outfits. When I got into the first store, I saw a green pair of shoes. Those particular shoes formed the rest of the picture in my head.  Because of the greenery in the studio and the coloured eye shadow, I wanted to create a pop of colour in each of the three outfits that I will create. I hit a few more stores, tweak a few accessories here and there and the outfits are ready.

The magic starts when we arrived at OBJX Studio. An absolute heaven for any photographer! I instantly realized why Jessica chose that spot. It is a spacious place that is divided into multiple studios with different backgrounds, drops and props. And the co-founders Ben and Michelle are super friendly, talented and helpful!

The work started with Sarah doing a wonderful job with the hair and makeup. Apart from being an expert at what she does, Sarah is such a warm person and easy to work with. Later I stepped in with dressing the model (most of my work is done before the shoot). Then Jessica and Jessica (I know) were dancing behind and in front of the camera.

The photographer Jessica does her workout while she takes pictures. She literally squats, gets on chairs and lies down on the floors! The model Jessica was just as fabulous. I would have never guessed that she is a new face. I think she has a natural modeling talent.

All white editorial

The whole thing took us 3 hours. High professionalism and dedication and you get a stunning result. Thanks to each and everyone of you guys. You are all very talented.

For any one viewing this right now, I hope you like this editorial and the aesthetics of it brings you joy! Share in the comments below your favourite look and your favourite picture.

Photographer: Jessica Okonski www.jessicaokonski.com & instagram.com/jessicaokonski/

Hair &Makeup Artist: Sarah Lam instagram.com/sarahlambeauty/

Model: Jessica Jansen instagram.com/jes.jansen/

Studio: www.objx.studio/invite & instagram.com/objx.studio/

Dressed in white


  1. Porvi Vyas | 11th May 19

    Loved how the thought to actuality was explained before diving into the pictures. Amazing work done there! In absolute love of the pictures, the model is definitely a natural. Though 2 pictures touched the sweet spot here. 1 is the picture with the model sitting on the chair, in a side pose, with those lovely green flats. Talks of a pure badass boss babe vibe!! ✨ Second picture is right at the top of this article, black and white picture with the model’s top open at the front. The picture drips grace and sensuality and innocence, all at once. Overall amazing work and definitely good styling. Love the subtle color drama added in!! Kudoz!✨

    • Rima | 12th May 19

      Thank you very much Kudoz for your feedback. I am glad you liked the pics and that they touched you and gave you different feelings 🙂

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